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picture of the login page

To Create a Password

You will be notified by email once your MCAD account has been established. The email will include the web address for MCAD so that you can complete the final part of the account set up, creating a password.

Navigate to MCAD and you will land on the "Login" page. This is where you will create a password by clicking "reset it". MCAD will require your email address to continue with the password creation/reset process.

picture of where to enter email address

Email Address

Type in your email address exactly as listed on your MCAD Authorization form and click "Send". If your email address was registered with MCAD the reset link will be sent to you and you will see the "Check your email for further instructions." message.

If you are shown "There is no user with this email address." message the email address entered did not match the one registered with your account. Verify the address and try again.

*This step is also used to reset your password if you forgot your old one.

picture of where to enter new password


You should receive an email from that says: "Hello 'username', Follow the link below to reset your password. Click on the link and enter a new password as instructed. Click on "Save". You will be re-directed to the MCAD login page where you need to enter your username (sent to you in the email) and new password you just created.

The reset link is only valid for one hour after it is sent. If the link expire before you finish the process you will need to start again.

*Are you having problems logging in after resetting your password or when using a new device? Make sure your username and password are entered in the correct case. Devices often auto-correct by capitalizing the first letter of a word. e.g. "Ideputy" instead of "ideputy", usernames & passwords are case-sensitive.